Here is a loose collection of links; webpages I'm following, and other pages I'm not myself actively following yet what I think might be interesting to some of you blog readers. If you have questions, recommendations or comments, please feel free to use the comment section below. I aim to add new items to the lists a few times a year.
Blogs I actively read
- Bliss and Drumming, or "The Slow Enlightenment of the Hard Rock Drummer" by Clementine. Stories well told, topics ranging from spiritual insights to diary-like entries of being a performing musician.
- Astrid Swan - a deep, personal, touching journal.
That's about it, really - the internet is full of interesting stuff, and so is the real world outside the computer screen. When I feel like reading I often prefer real books.
Rural life, DIY, bushcraft and stuff
- Polecat in a Poke - life in the rural Appalachia. This links to Mr. Polecat's site which, among other things, contains links to his Youtube channels, which I follow just to see how life is same and different in the countryside of an another continent.
- Ugri Archer - Sami's YouTube channel on traditional archery and related stuff. Focused especially on the traditions of Fenno-Ugric, Ob-Ugric and North Asiatic peoples.
Again, I know there are a lot of interesting sites and youtube channels out there. But, personally, when I'm learning some new DIY-stuff, I usually just grab the materials and start tinkering with them, learning by doing. That's why this list is so short.
- Fall into Finland - an award-winning travel, culture and wellness blog about Finland, written in English.
- Taught by Finland, or "Finnish Education Lessons from an American Teacher". Although lot of the stories are about life in the classroom, they also shed light on more wider cultural differences between Finland and USA. I haven't been actively reading the site, but I've read a few of the stories and liked them.
- Soliti - a Helsinki based indie record label. Browse their pages for a roster of good bands. Next a few of my favourite Soliti bands.
- Astrid Swan
- Cats of Transnistria
- Luova Records - another Finnish indie label. I'll pick two of their bands, browse the label site to discover more.
- Litku Klemetti
- Huminoita
- And then some youtube picks of musicians / bands I like, starting with Kukkurukuu by Mariska.
- When The Levee Breaks, played by Zepparella.
- Bitch On The Run by Samantha Fish and her band
- The Power Ballad by Molly Nilsson
- Superkuu by Maria Mono
- Ei rokki vaan blues by Hulda Huima & Hitaat sekunnit
- I think Mara Balls definitely deserves a mention. Instead of choosing a higher quality official video, I chose this live footage just for the sake of their live energy.
- Meneehän se aika tässäkin by Jukka Nousiainen
Books and Writers
- The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt - recommended reading for anyone trying to make sense of the contemporary moral and political debates.
- Salman Rushdie for some charming fiction written in style of magic realism.
- The Cyberiad by Stanislaw Lem. A collection of humorous science fiction short stories, originally dating back to 1960's, but still well worth reading.
- Seitsemän veljestä by Aleksis Kivi - translated to English as "Seven Brothers". Have you ever felt like abandoning the organized society and retiring to live in the peace of a little homestead away from neighbours? Well, the first significant novel written in Finnish is exactly about that. Definitely a classic of Finnish literature, and personally I feel that it has stood the time and is entertaining to read.
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