The days keep on growing shorter. Today sunrise was at 9:15 and sunset at 15:07. That means roughly six hours of daylight - and less opportunities for taking a daily picture outdoors. It is the fallen trees again, as today I tried if I can reach the location with my ATV, and if it could be possible to drag the logs without at full-sized tractor. Hehe, a part of me would love to abandon everything else, grab the axes and build a small cabin. The picture shows just some of the fallen trunks - I'm not sure but to me it looks like all of the fallen trees would be enough to get logs for a small cabin. (But, don't be alarmed - another part of me feels deep dedication to indie coding, and I know I'm going to continue with my computer projects. But, in any case I'll need firewood for the coming winters, so even if the thicker parts of the trees go for some other use, it would be wise to harvest the top parts for firewood)
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