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At some point I started to notice occasional problems when writing a new blog entry. Sometimes it happened that I wrote a new post, hit "save" and -poof- the site crashed back to the previous page and all the text was gone. No error messages, not a White Screen of Death, but just the page where I was before choosing "new blog post" in my admin menu. That seemed to happen randomly sometimes, and most of the time everything was fine. So I thought it might be just some glitch which will correct itself.

Alas, the problem has not vanished all by itself. It seems to be lurking around, and every now and then users also report similar problems with saving a comment. The site runs on Drupal 7, and I've been searching Drupal forums and issues, but can't find other people reporting similar problems. Which means either that there aren't other Drupal7 sites experiencing similar problems, or that I suck at searching =)

So far the only pattern I have found is that this problem occurs when saving new content. So the workaround is to save a short dummy content first, and then edit it. So, what ever the bug is, it seems to be restricted to adding new content.

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